Due to Birdie coming down with an illness and her stopping milk production Chickadee and her three siblings had to be bottle reared at around 3 weeks old. Due to this unfortune circumstance Chickadee and her siblings have a small stunt to their growth, thankfully this stunt is slowly becoming less and less noticeable as they grow and mature! Out of these four sisters Chickadee is the only tri-color patterned kitten, with a unique combination of a black, orange and white. Currently her eyes are green and full of affection and curiosity. Out of her kindle Chickadee has the most demanding personality, if she wants your attention, to play, or be fed she's going to let you know by yelling at the top of her little kitten lungs! Affectionate, Strong-Willed, Vocal and Sassy are just a few words to describe this Tortico kitten.